Wednesday, November 10, 2010

And suddenly....

panza pic #2....5 months
Well friends and family...we are officially past the half way point (21 weeks, to be exact) and baby decided to make itself known b/c it seems as if in ONE weekend, this belly suddenly appeared!! I had a prego moment last week when I took a picture of Timmy and when I looked at it, I said (out loud) 'wow, it looks like someone with a really big belly is standing next to you in the picture!' Then I realized, ohhh my gosh, that person is me! In all honesty, I started crying.
grandpa belly pic
On a more 'fun' note...Timmy and I went to inquire about some local surf and we were in a shop talking to one of the workers. Another one of the employees was sitting quietly in the corner and when it came to ticket prices of taking a shuttle to the beach, he chimed in and said...they need three tickets, ella esta embarazada (she's pregnant) I looked over my shoulder but realized he was talking to me/us lol. That was the first time someone has just noticed right off the street and said something..I didn't imagine it coming from a surfer guy sitting quietly in the corner :) Very fun!

The baby is also moving much. He/she especially likes the mornings...usually after breakfast when I m sitting in bed reading..and the evenings too...Timmy hasn't felt him/her quite yet, but we are looking forward to the day! I was so excited when I could actually see/feel the baby outside of my tummy instead of just a little flutter on the inside! They say the baby is about 10 1/2 inches long at this point, so I am not surprised that we feel the lil one kickin around.


  1. Keep the updates coming! Love you lots!

  2. ohhhhh sister, thats a very cute belly underneath a very cute dress!!! leave it to me to comment on your fashion sense. Miss you!
