Saturday, November 20, 2010

We made it to Costa!

After a quick plane ride and (not as quick) bus ride...we have arrived in the beautiful Costa Rica. Timmy and I were at the bus station waiting to catch a bus to drop us off in Manuel Antonio at 10:00pm, but we had no idea where we were going to stay (typical, for us). But lo and behold, at the internet cafe before the bus arrived we received an email from someone Timmy had previously contacted on Craigslist-Costa Rica (go figure!). It all worked out, thank you Lord, and we are looking forward to a full day on the beach today.
Little did I know, this place is a real popular spot here in Costa Rica and it's not hard to see why...
View from a walk we went on yesterday

Side is a photo of Timmy on the plane...please enjoy the white beard sprouting.
early signs of fatherhood?
No...this is more like it...Timmy saying goodbye to his buddy, Natalia

1 comment:

  1. It looks beautiful there! So glad you made it safe and sound! I continue to pray for you guys daily. Miss you and love you!
